Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pikachu Backpack Patterns

I am sooooo pissed off ...........

So, here I am again . Well, what appear to offer a life already? STRESS! And quite a lot. I think I'm mad at some point again. Although I think I just have my little Peate times we ask them to certify me immediately insanity.
Well if I knew how to make a cut, I would put it here now. But perhaps even tells me the time of one? * Love * guck
Why do I pay tuition fees actually, if everything sucks anyway full of running and find out you must own ales because the Prof is incapable. At the beginning of the 1st Academic year, it was said, I must abroad for a semester. At the end of the semester, it was said, you're a minor you have not alo abroad. Beginning of the 2nd Semester, it was said 'You may have to go' middle of the Semseters then 'You probably have to go '. Now the beginning of the 3rd semester when either is not abroad. And today in the fifth week of the 3rd Semester: I have definitely abroad! How long? Who knows. For example, between 6 weeks and 4 months ago. We'll see. What do I do when either there? Only time to settle with a certificate that I was abroad. I have to do there then nothing. How appropriate. Maybe I can somehow my AuPair years eligible capital lassenimmerhon I was also 9 months in the school?

come Sunday and other times we are now about a topic. I'm yes on James Bond. as is the case. And I also think Roger Moore better than Sean Connery. But what indeed is sometimes not that is the voice of Daniel Craig. I have not yet seen the film but even so some paint a preview. only in English and because his voice sounded nice and manly. Suitable for James Bon. And if he got as a voice actor? Dietmar wonder the voice of Danny Messer from CSI: NY The agency you've once before. like so times not GAR. I once wanted to do so made known.

Am now gone again.
cuddle you!

* flighty *


Monday, November 13, 2006

Animal World Cup Cartoon

Am I obsessed?

Hey Hoo!

It was a weekend. I already had the Friday off and would do the new flavors. Yes, yes, as is so with good intentions they schmeist quickly overboard. I have seen on Tuesday, the Miami episode in the television and was so excited after what happens next, that I, within two days I looked through the season. So now I modestly and actually I find it completely common that the last three episodes of "to be continued" to make. Sun Whatis always beautiful .... But yes I had it on my Lappi. Naj and then I also started with LV S06. Ind yesterday evening, after NCIS and Criminal Minds on TV. And somehow it is me then you noticed that in all the recent seasons, the investigators all have the same phone. A Motorola. I found totally fascinating. Since osll talk again of a product placement ...

extent of my first page.

Hugs and kisses!

Fly * flighty *

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Atonement Dress Pattern

Am I crazy? Yes I am!

I think everybody should know how one is weird. So here is my commitment to this:

What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: Manic Depressive

You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
What mental disorder do you have?

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Acapélla My Dad's Gone Crazy

I also again I want to finally

So here I am!
I haven't been for ages. Sorry 'bout that. I also want to apologize to my dearest friend  [info] sarasa 1984 . Sorry for nt replying to your beeps. Well I am in full stress and don't now wat to do first. Sometimes it would be quite nice to have work to do without thinking like  [info] darkb luesky1987 . I actually don't know what to write but I have some time to kill. But I should stop complaining. Just wanted to tell you that I am still alive. Barely breathing but alive!
Hey did I mentioned that I already have ALL!! The Christmas presents for this year?

Yours Fly

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Whitetail Deer Iron Ons

Beach Party

Who's thinking here are nice beaches and it's usual to go to the sea to swim, doing sports, lie in the sun or anything else, she / he is wrong. Many of the Chinese can not swim! So where you can enjoy a great beach party? At a artificial water park! Close to our accommodation the Dino Beach Resort is located - in the middle of the city. There are a lot of slides, rivers, sandy beach and a pool with 3 meter high waves. As we heard there are not only beach and music but that is a lot of foreign DJ's, we moved there. @ My friends from Finland: That beach party was much more warm than ours at the Saimaa lake. But I missed the sauna and you: (

If you think that there are beautiful beaches and it is normal to go to the beach to swim, play sports, or lie in the sun, is wrong, many Chinese. not swim.'s a miracle that can hold at all on their bicycles. But where you can have then a great beach party? in an artificial water park. Close to our residence is the Dino Beach Resort - in the middle of the city. A huge and beautiful park with lots of slides, rivers, sand beach and wave pool that can produce 3-meter high waves. When we heard that not only beach music and entertainment including special DJ's from abroad, we have decided aufzukreuzen there.

Pokemon Silver Stopped Saving

One day trip to "Hangzhou" / Tagesausflug

On September 2nd we hired one of our company buses with two drivers. Our target was Hangzhou, a city close to Shanghai (2 hours by train). China has dimensions that we (Europeans, Western People) can not imagine easliy. That country is really overcrowded! There is Shanghai with 20 million habitants of nothing special. At first we all thought that newcomers Hangzhou, were the best tea of China is growing, is a small city with no more than 50 000 habitants, green fields, a nice lake and mountains. But one look in the internet gave us a surprise. No, there are living 6 Millions of People! In Chinese minority village, just a. For our pleasure outside of the city we found places Which had nice landscape and were not crowded Sun

On 2 September, a Saturday, we rented one of the company buses, including 2 drivers. Our goal was to Hangzhou, near Shanghai. China already has dimensions that one can hardly imagine as Europeans. This country is just really thick overpopulated! Since even Shanghai with its 20 million inhabitants nothing special. In the beginning we thought newcomers that Hangzhou, where the best tea in China's growth, a small town with not more than 50,000 inhabitants, green fields and hills, a beautiful lake and mountains. All things are present, but a look into the Internet brought us disappointment. 6 million people live here! In China's eyes, just a village. To our delight, we have found some nice places outside the city that were not crowded and offered beautiful scenery.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Semi Truck Headache Racks


lalalalala ... insanity has me! If Kinderr not behave and just go one on my nerves and did not do what you tell them and they also give back more words, we should kill them? I'm glad when tomorrow afternoon the first week is over. After that, it can only get better.
have to all this, I on Tuesday also cut his finger. I did not know that blood can flow as fast .... Have not sewn ezum luck NEN also be thick bandage I got anyway.

And again a highlight in terms of housework. My fellow student is actually finished their part and gave it to me now sent to the format. BUT: I can not open their damn format because it has strong irgendso an Open Document. Why can not you use like any other normal human MS Office? Can one tell me the times? I try now somehow aufzubekommen these stupid documents so that I can fornatieren the whole thing.

Should you hear a shot, I have given me the ball.

* flighty *

Friday, August 4, 2006

Real Estate Investment Opportunities Calgary 2010

Hey hoo!

So I am once again. Have I indeed verspriochen. With such a great header allows you to nunmal look like!
But I really wonder again, "Why me?" Why do I have once again drawn the golden double-ass card? If we as a couple but schreieb a term paper and now I hear from my partner any more. This habeich yesterday but up by 1 clock at night still sat at her turn today as agreed!! Is sending so they do not believe that we need to make their work soon and that is marked ....
But let us turn to the finer things in life. .... ..... Las Mhhh me reflect briefly ..... Oh I've got something. We have a weekend! My mother picks me up tomorrow morning and then let's see what we do. In good weather, we go to Travemünde there for us "Sand World" to . Look Since many more people who have built great sand castles. If the weather is not so good, we go shopping and have breakfast.
starts from monday to the two-week child care. I ever put aspirin HOWTOs. So I'm writing

then determined time soon.
times then I wish you einschönes weekend!

* flighty *

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

When Will Lcd Tv Prices Drop In 2010

I have a Lay .... finally!

OMG! I do not know what to say? I'm so proud of my new layout. And all thanks [info] energetic_red . You are my hero! Now it's also a pleasure to post an entry and rumzustöbern here a bit. I know still not know what to say eigentlch. You have selected the images really great thank you! Feel cuddled and smooched and hugged. THANK YOU!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What Is The Best Bluetooth Mobile Phone Program?

I want my treasure back

We remember ...

Dec 12, 2005: I brought my laptop to KarstadtQuelle where he has been reformatted. When I saw him get back in the evening, I was super happy that it worked again. I draufgepielt That very evening, all my programs.

27./28./29./30. Decemeber, I could hang on to their treasure Sarasa my wireless networked and hn feed with a few data and so two programs and a few updates. Everything was ok.

January 7, 2006: My love hatmir again my audio files zerhackstückelt ...

January 8, 2006: It took an hour to boot up then he has made of itself a complete system reboot. So I could, with work being IHMA was he och extremely slow though. It took me 2 minutes to open a program and so on

January 9: I am once again at Karstadt. There I erbriinge good two and a half hours with a total of three vendors rumwerkeln all of my wealth. Ultimately they have it reformatted, partitioned and mmir still burned a program and install it. Everything seemed ok again. In the evening I uploaded my Progarmme again. Nothing unusual way. The Yahoo Messi, Photofiltre, two university programs, players and Codecs.

January 10. He does not start anymore. Show me only a black screen ... I returned to Karstadt (Hey who knew me yet ...). Fortunately, there was no demonstration effect and my LPPI has not communicated with the sellers. He was then returned and I now have my MEL = Replacement Laptop ... This part is loud as a hairdryer, one can not casually listen to music because the PC is drowned out everything. He has slowly come I did not connect to the Internet (which is why I am sitting now in the library). Until I get my treasure, it takes just about 3 to 4 weeks.

And the moral of the story:
Backs up your data! (Have I done for good luck)
Cultivate your PC! You will only notice what you are at the times when you did not have you!

I want my treasure back!

See you next time your aunt
