Sunday, February 1, 2009

Like Dutch Master Wrap

FILM: "The Fox and the Child"

"The Fox and the Child"
Original title: Le Renard Et L'Enfant
Country: France
Year: 2007
Genre: animal film, family film
Director: Luc Jacquet
Starring: Bertille Noël-Bruneau
Rating: 7/10

[info] OCOG s comment:

The French director Luc Jacquet split 2005 the audience with the Penguins . Amazing animal photographs avail after all nothing if they are dirty by humanized comments and penguins. Therefore, to see particularly good that has pulled together for his new movie Jacquet The Fox and the Child and not necessarily realistic But after all, has created endearing film.

After a little girl (Bertille Noël-Bruneau) encounters a fox in a forest, she is so fascinated that she now spends her free time in nature in order to meet him again. It forges a quiet friendship between man and animal, which, unfortunately, grows into a disaster.

at the start that the interested party warned that the movie filtered through rose-tinted spectacles unleashed on the audience is, why can scare the very end. The fox and the girl is a totally measured tale of the naive eyes of a clueless child, all thoroughly evil and dangerous hides.

The little girl who grew up somewhere in the French provinces, has no friends, and apparently also not a particularly strong bond with their parents, which are available in the entire film not once seen. The idyllic view of the forest is more than hypocrisy, hangs out here but from brown bears about wolves to dangerous animals, big cats, which could easily be dangerous to humans. What the heck, the focus is on the history of the fox and the girl trappings is negligible.

Especially, it has refrained Luc Jacquet obviously animal photographs, for the girl meets her rambles through the forest on wirklich jedes Tier. Einmal beobachtet sie den mysteriösen Bären, einmal fängt sie (in einer überflüssigen Szene) begeistert Frösche, dann watschelt wieder ein Igel durchs Bild oder starrt sie ein Hirsch an. Insekten summen, Dachse balgen sich; mal steht sie einem ganzen Rudel Wölfe gegenüber (eine starke Szene!). Das macht Der Fuchs und das Mädchen zu einem vielfältigen Tierfilm, wenn einige Tiere auch krampfhaft in den Film eingefügt wurden, was durchaus mal nervt. Hauptaugenmerk liegt allerdings nach wie vor auf dem titelgebenden Fuchs, der sich schnell als Füchsin mit einem Rudel Jungen herausstellt. Wo man schon wieder nach der Realität schreien möchte. Warum hat eine Füchsin in such a difficult time in which they must raise their young, all day, to great with a girl in a meadow?

Why is the fox suddenly shy at first befriends the girl and takes her on his forays through the woods, is also questionable. But as this is now. And remains at least from the perspective of the girls a little more realistic, it's just a naive child who speaks with an animal, into fanatical increases in some and in spite of friendship with the fox animals do not understand little. And the fox eventually takes on a leash.

What are the simple conclusion of the parable is then also: Animals are not human. And is then calculated by the director, shortly before the Penguins has so humanized so that it is an almost horrified. The statement of The Fox and the Child thus acts dishonest and mounted. But the nature shots are great and also the life of the fox and the dangers that await him in the forest is well staged. The red-haired Bertille Noël-Bruneau as the only actress in the film (apart from the last two minutes of celluloid) is playing for her age and not much happier as nine times clever, but so naive as a real child.

bottom line remains The Fox and the Child friendly Sunday afternoon entertainment with a sympathetic leading lady and a non menschelnden fox. Beautiful nature photographs and interesting insights into the life of a fox fool (if the action's sake do not always faithfully) on the plate, mendacious message and the lack of realism of time. Fun for all ages, if you can accept, what are we getting into here.