Saturday, December 10, 2005

Lv On Udresses Good Quality

F *** What a Scheme **!!!!

which I actually got the verdiendt?? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My real plan for this weekend was as follows: develop English homework (5Miscellaneous tasks), chemistry protocol and presentation with Power Point.
Yes I had a really full WE in front of me. But that's different now! :-( (

I started nicely with storage and work through everything and then I make my laptop to Windows startup melody has jo sone nice .. You listened to me today as follows:.! Tüdelüdükrkkgrschlüdükrischkraschstotter He does this with all my music files. .. I have so geklempt my laptop under his arm. Ok, I did like him in the backpack, and am on to Karstadt, where I herhabe him. They have then tried this and is trying, but found nothing. But the two were very nice seller. Jaha I had two! Well now comes my morning by Ma and brings the whole system CDs. Must completely install the casino so everything is new ... * Grumble * If you
really clear that I take down all the music premiums must Gackt from the hard drive ... It hurts so much!
But the best part: It is not clear whether the problm has wound up or not. If not, mien laptop to be returned. And then it takes so 4-6 weeks!! until I get it back. But as long as I can probably get a loaner.

So I think now I have only reacted once.
I get a round Mittleider of you? * * Bedröpeltguck

your flying something


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