Saturday, November 8, 2008

Q Power 15 Deluxe Subwoofer

♫ ALBUM: "Y2J - Live For You [为 你 而 活]

「Live For You [为你而活]」 ››› Interpret:
Y2J / 神木与瞳
››› Sprache: Mandarin ››› Genre: Pop, Rock
››› Year: 2008
>>> Rating:

>>> Buy: "美丽 (Beautiful)"
rotate the two tubes Rock again right on, while
Although they have not won the Taiwanese talent show One Million Star
, the singer Jane Huang Yuming Lai aka Tong and singers have come together as a duo and released their debut album called Y2J "Live For You [为 你 而 活]"
. Since the two in their spare time like to hear rock music, it was logical to inspire their own music like this. And so it came out a young modern disk, which works by FIR could seriously compete. And as in Asia so common, you can choose among several versions on the purchase, you would like the deluxe version with bonus DVD, or maybe the simple narrow for the wallet. The title track
"为 你 而 活 (Live For You)" tubes Jane and Yuming to screeching guitars powerful into the microphone to reach and thus certainly a whole bunch of young people in Taiwan, of eternal shallow ballads already fed up . It is always nice catchy melody and a bit melancholy. Her musical force can be the next rock track »武装 的 蔷薇 (Armed Rosa) "
even increase. With the quiet pop track "草 戒指 (Grass Ring)" they unfortunately prove that it is also average and boring. Fortunately, this is the exception. With standardized soft-rock numbers like the gentle
"爱 在 末 日前 (Love Before Doom's Day)" , the casual "理由 (Reason)" 8/10, the average rocking clubs
"Be Your Love" or the pop-rock Track "不放 (Not Letting Go)" all, you can not go wrong. The songs are more relaxed, but very powerful and have nice Melodies, which are soon in his ear. That inspired the traditional singing style "法 仔 鼓 (Drums Of Aberdeen) '
draws stylistically diverse SHIN-songs, and you have to say that Shin have made the balancing act between the Chinese opera and rock music much better, especially here Yuming voice half goes down. The track is almost flows into
"Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku"
, the dreamy Jane Huang absolutely denies about rock sounds and it is proof that people other than "ohoho" does not need much text to still be like them too. Almost ironic. With the corrosive
"爱 链 (Linked Love)" is
a powerful but quiet power ballad in which Jane can also sing harmony very high, not to annoy.

anyway for a debut album of all top notch, for Taiwan's relations. Although used the duo to Y2J a talent show as a springboard and the current trend to soft rock to expand their sound, but have they (and especially the singer) to win a strong voice and powerful songs to a wide audience in itself. The question remains why the two have not played One Million Star . Maybe that was also very good.
001 live for you (bei Youtube reinhören) 002 armed Rose (bei Youtube reinhören) 003 004 before the end of love reason 005 love mixing 006 Be Your Love 007 grass ring (bei Youtube reinhören) 008 end 009 beautiful 010 Aberdeen hold 011 law Drum 012 Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku 013 Suite: ground / Love refining


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