Sunday, December 7, 2008

Carnauba Wax & Glutamate

FILM:" The Monster Shark "

"The Monster Shark"
title: Rosso Shark Nell'Oceano
Country: Italy, Frankfreich
Year: 1984
Genre: Horror , Trash
Director: Lamberto Bava
Starring: Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier , Gianni Garko, William Berger, Iris Peynado, Lawrence Morgant, Cinthia Stewart, Paul Branco, Dagmar Lassander
Rating: 1/10
Trash-Factor: 2/5

[info] OCOG s comment:

The story is simple, that they already guessed, if you only hear the film title The monster shark . Monster munch people directly in the sea, it will eventually stop you.

Said Monster shark is not really a shark, but more of a head with a hungry mouth, which can go through a lot of imagination than a shark, which also still-as if not goofy enough already with blind lashing around latex tentacles comes up. As this monster that is leaving the first mutilated corpses that we as viewers get to see even once (with the Beast probably only nibbled a bit at the outer extremities), spread in the exotic Scenery quickly panic and terror. And if that was not enough, also drives a killer on the loose, what the film draws unnecessary as this plot has only marginal to do with the monster of the shark. The marine biologists Peter (Michael Sopkiw), Stella (Valentine Monnier), Bob (Lawrence Morgant) and Janet (Darla N. Warner) so go out to sea to go to get to the bottom and the side to do the monster, after is the mad scientist who is involved in the existence of the monster has learned that the monster shark unfortunately reproduce itself uncontrollably. And because the cattle can not hunt with explosive buoys in the air, you have to think of something else, can where it all together vigorously to help.

In The monster shark even the trash fan will put to the test. Of course, the film provides plenty of trash, but it is not enough. Is irrelevant to all the trappings. The monster you get hard to face, and when it arrived mostly to arbitrary order striking the tentacles, which for the seasoned fan Trash is just not enough. Further annoying the fact that the monster shark while constantly approached by boat from Peter & Co., at the last moment dived again, which 'takes the audience unnecessarily. The hollow dialogue, a completely inappropriate (if only implied) mating scene on the beach at sunset kitschy (Even if in the scene before and after it is daylight again) and the whole subplot about the abstruse combining police and his muscle-bound colleagues are just plain stupid.

The monster shark grows thus from a tough and lifted movies, this is just for trash-patient fans. Although the brief scenes where the monster is (or at least parts of it) gets to see are trashy fun, but unfortunately planted too thin. As one would have expected more after all.


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