Saturday, January 3, 2009

Helichrysum Oil Vancouver

♫ ALBUM: Fahrenheit - Loving You More And More [越来越 爱]

"Loving You More And More [越来越 爱]
>>> Artist: Fahrenheit / 飞轮 海 / Fei Lun Hai
>>> Language: Mandarin
>>> Year: 2009
>>> Genre: Pop
>>> Rating: 6/10
>>> Buy:

time for the new year bring the four boys to Taiwan boy band Fahrenheit these days her third Mandarin album entitled Loving You More And More [越来越 爱] on the market. What do you think the four singers must benefit is that they evolve constantly, even if they must continue to hone their votes. Thus, for even with Loving You More And More [越来越 爱] notice this trend. The songs are more often than usual dressed up with soft rock sounds, what spices pleasing especially the ballads.

It starts with the somewhat inappropriate Track 动脉 (Artery) that one already from the regular series also rather Pi Li MIT - Mysterious knows Incredible Terminator with Fahrenheit member Aaron Yan. The groovy backdrop of danceable tracks, unfortunately, very reminiscent of bad Europop the mid-90s, but is nevertheless an earwig dar. The title track Loving You More And More (越来越 爱) is a soft rocking Popliedchen, which is quite warbled nice, even when do the voices of the four harmony singers here are not always perfect. The first really good song is Track 3, Lonesome Spirit (寂寞 暴走) , a rocking track with a catchy melody. Although Taiwan's market is flooded with songs of this nature only that, but please do it anyway. The next track Star (恒星) is already known as the theme song of the very decent series Rolling Love with Fahrenheit member Jiro Wang. Painted rock in pop, driving sounds of the great song nonetheless appear not to turn up. Silently (默默) is finally a ballad, which must on every boy band album. However, it create Fahrenheit, combine their voices too perfect with the piano and acoustic guitar sounds, creating not a particularly exciting, but after all, quite a nice little song. The casual guitar track The Best Listener (最佳 听众) was supposed to be nice, but you realize the guys her vocal shortcomings here pretty. With Stay (留下 来) is rocking again, while Lonely Ferris Wheel (孤单 摩天 轮) Finally, the standard ballads work, which is quite schnell wieder vergisst. Auch mit Rain And Tears (雨是眼泪) bleibt es ruhiger. Wieder wird hier die ein oder andere Note nicht getroffen, was schade ist, da das Liedchen sonst ganz nett wäre. Der letzte Track You Should Be Cherished (你应该被珍惜) ist dann noch mal eine Ballade, diesmal ganz klassisch piano-unterstützt. Wer Glück hat, hat dann noch den rockigen Bonustrack Touch Your Heart auf der Scheibe, der für eine Tourismus-Kampagne eingespielt wurde und uns dementsprechend vorhält, wie toll Taiwan ist, aber immerhin ganz nett klingt.

Der ganz große Wurf ist Fahrenheit mit ihrem dritten Album Loving You More And More [越来越 爱] again failed, even though most of the songs sound more mature than on previous records. Depending on your taste, it is also luck or blessing that Jiro Wang was driven not so much time here in the foreground and all four singers may equally to the mike. It is a pity, however, that only show the least resistance and songs are usually forgotten immediately after the hearing again. As an extension of one's own Fahrenheit collection, the disc is certainly recommended. All other times can listen, or not.

001 002 动脉
越来越 爱
003 runaway
004 lonely silence
006 stars
005 listeners
007 best left alone
008 Ferris Wheel
009 rain is tears
010 You should be cherished
011 Touch Your Heart (Bonus Track)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Templates For Driver Licenses

FILM: "March of the Penguins"

"Die Reise der Pinguine"
Originaltitel: La Marche de l'Empereur
Land: Frankreich
Jahr: 2005
Genre: animal film
Director: Luc Jacquet
Rating: 6/10

[info] OCOG s comment:

reality soap meets animal film might say, if you see the Penguins . And so ambiguous you want the whole face.

This kind of pseudo documentary nature films enjoyed for some time even more popular and for those interested is there really beautiful shots of animals and landscapes to see. But that far from being a masterpiece must be proves the overvalued the Penguins .

Each year, the Emperor Penguins in the interior, there to mate, lay eggs and raise their children. As far as the action that is taken for a nature film beautifully simple and realistic. You can see penguins while hiking, sliding, diving, nesting penguins and what will make a stop it otherwise.

The images range from grandiose images of arid deserts and thousands of penguins, to close-ups cute plush penguin babies, the clumsy trudge through the area. Affect the penguins on land sometimes clumsy, they are more agile and graceful in the water. The versatility of the animals was approved by the Camera captured beautifully and presented in clear, sometimes spectacular, sometimes a little too kitschy obscurities images. Fortunately, you remain realistic and filming the sadder moments, as when birds of prey of seals and penguins are attacked and there already are a victim.

Unfortunately it must be admitted at the optics, however, that the camera does not always have their focus on the most interesting and the illustrations are often too quick pivots or even veiled and not interesting scenes shows. That's sometimes nervous.

remains the case (mostly) great shots but it already. Often criticized the speaker that is destroying the mood of the film completely. The images a challenging add professional commentary would have been desirable. Instead, they wanted to make the Penguins family-friendly and compelling. Three Penguins (father, mother, child) has to be picked out, given them a bad conscience and humanize their thoughts into obnoxious pseudo-poetic, naive, and much given to talking too pathetic expression. Thus the movie gets put on something totally artificial, rather hypocritical, which really irritated. When a mother penguin (even without text) mourning her baby bitten to death, one wonders whether the sad cooing of the animal now is genuine, or whether one has tampered with the scene of the human spirit's sake. The fact that this humanization does not fit, you notice the latest, as a hawk breaks the cute penguin offspring, while large penguins are nichtsnützig wrong. Penguins are just but only animals.

also ask yourself whether you really on "our" penguins are the three same animals before the sake of the story or you spend any penguins as the main characters. Distinguish the animals can be so anyway.

is completely out of place then even the background music, the emotions will tickle the viewers who fit at all in that moment. Constantly have to feel as if something bad would soon happen. The music is usually so much too pathetic and annoying. It is best to be silent and therefore the film set to music with his own music.

penguins who likes to keep the Penguins great shots prepared by the funny coat makers. While the camera is sometimes confused with bad timing, but the images of endless white expanse and convince the penguins on the whole. The idiotic comments and the humanization of animals draw the level of the film, unfortunately, far down. The DVD to the Penguins offers a sound track but no text, but it still bothers often so incongruous soundtrack. the Penguins is quite nice and quite touching times, plays but certainly not in the first division. Something informative, the film could have been as well.

One Simple Model For A Person Running 100m

FILM: "Banana Joe"

"Banana Joe"
title: Banana Joe
Country: Italy, Germany
Year: 1982
Genre: comedy
Director : Steno
Starring: Bud Spencer, Marina Langner, Mario Scarpetta, Gianfranco Barra, Enzo Garinei, Gunther Philipp, Giorgio Bracardi, Gisela Hahn, Nello Pazzafini, Carlo Reali, Salvatore Basile, Edy Biagetti
Rating: 3/10

[info] OCOG s comment:

Bud Spencer alone is always such a thing. Without the silly sayings and taunts from the eternal co-star Terence Hill, the bearded Stout is just not right out behind his Schwabbelpanzer. Suffer, of course his films, as it is with Banana Joe the case. Too bad, because although the strip is more than just plain stupid, he would have had any more potential.

Bud Spencer plays in any exotic banana republic, the Banana Joe, a Banana seller, with a horde of children in a native village far away from civilization and lives daily boatloads full of bananas sold in the harbor. But when he creates with a band that wants to expand the peaceful island idyll little innovation for tourism, Banana Joe suddenly needs a banana sales license. Banana Joe, although simple in the head but not particularly silly, is on an odyssey into the city, where he has to find out that civilization is not only mighty hard, but it's still really difficult also due to bureaucracy in the coveted license to come.

Bud Spencer as a weathered, lived fierce but good-hearted half Wilder looks like a runaway Dictatorial and fits like chalk and cheese in his role. Most naive he believes the speaker on television talk directly to him, and can be sent from station to station to finally get his license. This Banana Joe's odyssey recalls the local register office, where he needs to license only a pile of documents he only gets if he can show each other documents, a little of the scenes from Asterix , as the Gauls also an almost impossible task has to manage in an office.

Banana Joe works as a bouncer finally calculated in the locality, which belongs to the evil-doers, and throw out any sense of duty, der sich daneben benimmt—und sei es der Besitzer selbst. Gewohnt ruppig aber immer sympathisch walzt sich Banana Joe so durch den gleichnamigen Film, der trotz des passablen Ansatzes in Langeweile versumpft. Bud Spencer, der sich in seinen früheren Soloprojekten gern mit Kindern umgab (wohl um das Zielpublikum anzusprechen), bringt hier einfach zu wenig Witz und ebenso wenige Schlägereien auf die Mattscheibe und das, obwohl seine Rolle auch in Banana Joe dieselbe ist wie im Grunde in fast allen seiner komödiantisch ausgelegten Filmen.

Banana Joe ist einfach viel zu behäbig inszeniert, zu banal und einfallslos das Drehbuch, so dass der Zuschauer das anfängliche Interesse nicht lange aufrechthalten can. One or the other child like about Banana Joe perhaps still so have his fun, but for all other self-should-be fans to win a pot with Banana Joe . For a comedy, the film is just too painfully, in another drawer he does not fit well. Desolate.

Occupational Therapy Wood Projects

FILM: "Double Trouble Rio

"Double Trouble Rio
original title: Non c'è due senza quattro
Country: Italy
Year: 1984
Genre: action comedy
Director: Enzo Barboni
Darsteller: Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, April Clough, Harold Bergman, CV Wood Jr., Dary Reis, Nello Pazzafini, Joseph Van de Kamp, Fernando Amaral, Roberto Roney, Athayde Arcoverde Claudioney Penedo
Wertung : 7/10

[info] ocog s Kommentar:

MIT Fausto Vier Gegen Rio trumpfte of beliebt Prügel-und-Dumme Sprüche-und-Duo Bud Spencer Terence Mitte der 80er Hill noch einmal richtig auf, bevor ihre altbewährte Masche hinter dem Ofen niemanden mehr hervorlocken konnte.

The roles are in Double Trouble Rio as always: Bud Spencer is the grim thickness, thinks only of eating, Terence Hill is the ne'er-dummschwätzende. As icing on the cake so to speak, think Bud Spencer and Terence Hill in a double role strictly for ever against their same characters. Because the two play the rich cousin couples Coimbra from Rio de Janeiro, living dean dent and lifted off in their villa and present in every imaginable situation, the exact opposite of the other Spencer / Hill-figures (with Terence Hill also with lovely poofy synchronization pleased). Because the two rich cousins are threatened by a killer band, have double since the killer lure in Rio on the wrong track, while the cousins Coimbra can calmly pursue their business in the United States. Since the prison would release prisoners Greg (Bud Spencer), who earns money by playing saxophone, and the stuntman Elliot (Terence Hill) for which the high remuneration of the job seems too tempting to vote against. Without further ado, they are re-styled to pair rich cousin, only brings them unfortunately nobody at how the two behave otherwise. From then put Greg Elliot and thus the environment of the rich cousins on the head, thus cause much confusion among the secondary characters (the distinguished cousins Coimbra instead of going to the concert harp rather suddenly into a dockside bar, where they vigorously shake up) and even more fun with the audience.

beaten this is rare. In general, the Prügelduo runs until the end in the great struggle against the bad guys and then in the last four-pack on top form. In Double Trouble Rio One inserts more emphasis on slapstick and puns, of course, if these components can fail even as primitive as ever. Things will certainly never, even if stuttering crooks behind her and the duo is revealed at the end a bit too constructed, who is actually the mastermind behind the attacks. Tension is not the meaning of a Spencer / Hill movie, and the simple entertainment, it is, and is undoubtedly given.

wisecracks churning out a few fun fights and other situations and make an extra helping of self-irony, the Spencer / Hill-high two-film at a special of the duo. So if you quick-fix on humor and Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies is, who is with Double Trouble Rio best advice. For all the sophisticated audience is, however, avoid the film better.