Friday, January 2, 2009

One Simple Model For A Person Running 100m

FILM: "Banana Joe"

"Banana Joe"
title: Banana Joe
Country: Italy, Germany
Year: 1982
Genre: comedy
Director : Steno
Starring: Bud Spencer, Marina Langner, Mario Scarpetta, Gianfranco Barra, Enzo Garinei, Gunther Philipp, Giorgio Bracardi, Gisela Hahn, Nello Pazzafini, Carlo Reali, Salvatore Basile, Edy Biagetti
Rating: 3/10

[info] OCOG s comment:

Bud Spencer alone is always such a thing. Without the silly sayings and taunts from the eternal co-star Terence Hill, the bearded Stout is just not right out behind his Schwabbelpanzer. Suffer, of course his films, as it is with Banana Joe the case. Too bad, because although the strip is more than just plain stupid, he would have had any more potential.

Bud Spencer plays in any exotic banana republic, the Banana Joe, a Banana seller, with a horde of children in a native village far away from civilization and lives daily boatloads full of bananas sold in the harbor. But when he creates with a band that wants to expand the peaceful island idyll little innovation for tourism, Banana Joe suddenly needs a banana sales license. Banana Joe, although simple in the head but not particularly silly, is on an odyssey into the city, where he has to find out that civilization is not only mighty hard, but it's still really difficult also due to bureaucracy in the coveted license to come.

Bud Spencer as a weathered, lived fierce but good-hearted half Wilder looks like a runaway Dictatorial and fits like chalk and cheese in his role. Most naive he believes the speaker on television talk directly to him, and can be sent from station to station to finally get his license. This Banana Joe's odyssey recalls the local register office, where he needs to license only a pile of documents he only gets if he can show each other documents, a little of the scenes from Asterix , as the Gauls also an almost impossible task has to manage in an office.

Banana Joe works as a bouncer finally calculated in the locality, which belongs to the evil-doers, and throw out any sense of duty, der sich daneben benimmt—und sei es der Besitzer selbst. Gewohnt ruppig aber immer sympathisch walzt sich Banana Joe so durch den gleichnamigen Film, der trotz des passablen Ansatzes in Langeweile versumpft. Bud Spencer, der sich in seinen früheren Soloprojekten gern mit Kindern umgab (wohl um das Zielpublikum anzusprechen), bringt hier einfach zu wenig Witz und ebenso wenige Schlägereien auf die Mattscheibe und das, obwohl seine Rolle auch in Banana Joe dieselbe ist wie im Grunde in fast allen seiner komödiantisch ausgelegten Filmen.

Banana Joe ist einfach viel zu behäbig inszeniert, zu banal und einfallslos das Drehbuch, so dass der Zuschauer das anfängliche Interesse nicht lange aufrechthalten can. One or the other child like about Banana Joe perhaps still so have his fun, but for all other self-should-be fans to win a pot with Banana Joe . For a comedy, the film is just too painfully, in another drawer he does not fit well. Desolate.


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