One of the episodes Danish-Swedish War (1675-1679) was Battle of Halmstadte , also known as "The Battle of Fyullebro" (August 17, 1676), in which the Danes suffered a heavy defeat after losing prisoners and killed more than half their 4000-x forces.
One of the heroes of the battle was oberstleytenant Johann Frieder Lützow ( Johan Friedrich Lützow , 1651-1676) - German-born on the Danish service, died in that battle, and was nicknamed " brave Lützow ".
Out there in the center of the picture a small bridge over which thousandth of a Danish army had to flee in panic from the superior forces of the Swedes ...
Lützow was in the rear, and when all his companions fled, retreating across the bridge, he alone has filled 17 of the 100 pursued them Swedes. And several have already " lost both legs " ... People in doubt ...
the name of a hero named ul Swedish city Halmstadt . Near the bridge, which killed the hero, set a stone with the inscription:
" being wounded, fell fighting Lützow fearless in battle August 17, 1676 "
So: in one fell swoop
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