Saturday, April 24, 2010

Breast Implant Sizing 2009

Yury Klimov Vasilevich. Memories. № 25.

My grandfather, Yuri Klimov (1922-2002) , left 3 volumes of memoirs about his life. In total, probably about 1000 A4 pages. Plus lots of photos. Recollections of my great-grandfather (my father's grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8 -I ; 9-I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20-I ; 21-I ; 22-I ; 23rd ; 24-I ; 25-I; 26-I ;

My leg gave the patient more about yourself know, has become worrisome, especially when a lot of walking. By crossing over the Danube reached at noon. It was a fine warm and sunny September day. On the shore the boatman, the carrier bought a huge watermelon and sat down to a meal - dinner time. The boatman sat down with us. Began to talk. He was "Rusin", so in the local name nekrasovtsev Cossacks, who in the past century, the king fled from persecution in this region. He wore a peculiar, in clothes to keep something Traditional - Russian. Big beard, long curly hair, regular features - notably distinguished him from the local Romanian and Moldovan population. A long white shirt, belted sash, emphasized his powerful physique.

Here, on the military prodpunkte, we got on the food leaving certificate products for five days. Remember, we have been surprised by the German biscuit obtained instead of bread. The shape of a cookie, but only from a simple wheat flour, no sugar, in a nice package. Then we thought not of the good life, the Germans began to bake is not a tasty cookie. Now I know what we ate: they were dried, no more.

[Volume 1, page 186] City of Tulcea is located on the opposite high bank of the Danube. Our carrier, raking large oars, quickly brought us on the other side. We crossed the border and were in another state. Here reigned the Romanian language, but there were those who understood a little, and in Russian. At the railway station boarded the train, which went from Constanta to Bucharest. In the coupe was the Romanian naval officer in the illustrious form. All the way he curry favor in front of us, trying to arrange us to her. Not so long ago we were against each other, and now, was his zaikivat to the winners.

Next Day - Bucharest. Through the city on foot moved to another station. Look, stare. We went to the shops. Wondered a lot of industrial and even food goods. Such abundance we have not had before the war. In the course were Leu, which we had not. Of course, all the goods were expensive at the Romanian money. But the fact that they are. Train "Rapid" The next day we were at the terminus Giurgiu. Next traveled by rail ferry to the other side, where the Bulgarian was visible City Russa (Ruschuk). In the commandant's office found that the prosecutor's office is located in the Bulgarian town of Dolna Oryahovitsa. Again, train, and by evening we reached the desired campus. In Bulgaria, especially in Rousset, we are struck by the friendliness of touching the Bulgarians, the ability to explain without an interpreter. Pay attention to their newspapers, signs and banners welcoming, very close to the Russian language and quite understandable. All Bulgaria buried in red flags and national flags, in colors. He went through the days of his release and expulsion of the Nazis from their country. We, the Russian soldiers, they were happy and tried to entertain or welcome. I have never seen anywhere yet. And apparently, I will not.

The prosecutors have taken the next day. First, Asyamochkin handed a package delivered by the [volume 1, page 187] for them from the command-and-effect of Tiraspol, and then reported as best I could and I knew. Then he invited me into his office. Asking me to tell you everything from the beginning to the end and asked a few questions, again asked to go to the next room. Soon came the lieutenant Asyamochkin. Already on his face shows that he was pleased with the conversation with the prosecutor. "Everything will be okay" - he told me. Were told to come in about two hours to process some documents. Leg I ached for real, was shivering.

The prosecutor's office, in the presence of a lieutenant, I declared that he acted properly in office and in my actions do not constitute crimes against law. I was released from custody immediately after leaving the prosecutor's office. Joy knew no bounds. Rejoice and lieutenant and soldiers. Only overshadowed by my joy painful condition.

Conversely traveled by rail through Bucharest. There had to make a stop a couple of days. Lived in barracks that were built even the Germans on the station Gara de Nord.

Incidentally, on the point of supply for the Soviet troops met Pavel Obogrelova - my older brother childhood friend in Petukhovo - Jyrki Obogrelova.My were both glad to see, slow to talk about his destiny to each other, their relatives and friends. Obogrelovy before War left Petukhovo and settled permanently in the suburbs of Batumi. Paul graduated from college there, and Yuri continued to attend school. AND Here is an unexpected encounter in a soldier's canteen in Bucharest. After dining, I lay on my bed - bad leg - and the soldiers went for a walk with Asyamochkinym and znakoimtsya the city. In the evening, they are still laughing, telling of his adventures and the girl of easy virtue, they are seen on the station square.

[Volume 1, page 188] from Bucharest was on our way Brailov - a town on the Danube. I do not know why, it is possible that by chance, simply because there was our train, and can be lieutenant Asyamochkin, without examining the geography, came to Brialu. In order to get to Tiraspol, had to sail a boat on the Danube to g.Galatsa. This is above the Danube km. 70. Spent the night on the upper deck and chilled. I just felt sick. Fever. In the morning, going from port to railway station, had to rely on a stick. We had to rush to his native battalion, before the infirmary, where the guaranteed care and assistance.

The next morning we were on a Farm Near. As always declared the construction of the morning. I'm struggling with pain in the legs, get up in the system. Colonel Black - Commander Battalion, Lieutenant Infantry - political officer - read out an order to the battalion and I express my thanks for the alert sentry duty at the post and suppression escape.
- " serve the Soviet Union! "- followed by my response.
After that I had to lie bottom ten in the medical unit, the exemption from work.

in Middle village ready for the long migration to the city on foot and Renee Galati, where we just were. All were fitted, repaired denotes household.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Is There A Uncensored Version Of School Spirit?

Klimov, Yuri. Memories. № 24.

My grandfather, Yury Klimov Vasilyevich (1922-2002) , left 3 volumes of memoirs about his life. In total, probably about 1000 A4 pages. Plus lots of photos. Memories of my great-grandfather (father my grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8 -I ; 9-I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20 -I ; 21-I ; 22-I ; 23rd ; 24-I; 25-I

[Volume 1, page 180]
My bad dream was interrupted by the arrival of diluent and captain - a staff worker. He was ordered to take me under arrest. They took off the belt unbuckled straps, ordered to unwind the winding. All of this took the captain of the guard и положил в шкаф, в котором хранились также вещи сидевших на гауптвахте. Стали думать и гадать куда меня посадить: ведь гауптвахта занята. Выход подсказал подошедший Chief of Staff. It was a small closet in a house near the school. Closed the door to the outside of the bolt, the door set time. Commander of the guard and the officers I was told that this procedure is necessary to clarify and investigate. In the afternoon of the Tiraspol city prosecutor's office came a young woman to form almost a girl. This investigator. In form was drawn up interrogation, inspection rifles, etc. Interrogated by much and long.

In my memory issues that seemed a logical corollary to the special and came across a consequence of a false path.
- Did I previously detained?
- Why use a weapon without warning shot?
- Why to use cartridge with an explosive bullet?
- Why not try to use the bayonet instead of bullets?
- How and why the detainees are not placed indoors?
- What say the detainees?
- more like the attack was carried out on me? All
repeatedly checked. I remember that investigator, took out his handkerchief bag, wiped the blade of his bayonet, trying to verify whether the shooting of this rifle. On the first day of command established by the detainee alive all that was required to know them. Much easier: the two detainees "saboteurs" - working at the nearest airfield, older family people. In the evening, ran away from their location, they went [Volume 1, page 181] to educate women on the outskirts of Tiraspol, firmly be in the wind, and returning in his working battalion, were detained patrol. Both are residents of the village, located somewhere near Chisinau. Here is a harmless night of their trip, and my actions with respect to them, the outcome - they made our command of the validity of my actions in office. By that time, military prosecutors have moved for front-line parts and reportedly was in Kishinev.

civilian prosecutors, who investigated my case, came to the conclusion that on my part allowed "excess self-defense, self-defense. " According to the criminal code in effect when it is threatened with imprisonment up to 3 years. Command of the battalion, seeing than it threatens, has refused the services of civilian prosecutors and agreed to seek assistance from the military prosecutor's office three Ukrainian Front. True, it was clear violation and by the head of the guard, who did not organize the room detained in a separate chamber, forcing the guard to the open air.

Interrogation of the second Moldovan and his testimony was not in my favor: he denied trying to escape and attack the guard. Sitting in the guardhouse to direct witnesses not included, but their testimony does not clarify the matter for investigation. Post-mortem examination confirmed the victim's my evidence: a shot made from a distance 4 meters, with an entrance bullet hole in his chest in the heart area and the output gap bullets on the back. On the route of a bullet found that he was on his feet and whole body turned towards me, that soostvetstvuet position in attack.

four days, accompanied by a lieutenant and two soldiers Asyamochkina from our battalion, I was taken in Chisinau, the military prosecutor. At this time, not quite the way I felt bad leg [Volume 1, page 182] again begins ache a little. This feeling is familiar to me since childhood. Begins a new abscess on his right thigh, where my area of osteomyelitis. At first he was not hurt and does not interfere with walking, but over time more and more gaining urgency and in 10 - 15 days reaches a stage when the leg swells and becomes impossible to walk without pain.

in Bender, which We came on foot through the Tiraspol, then a large village Parkany, then across the pontoon bridge across the Dniester, we did a great camp for lunch. Lt. Asyamochkin was not yet old, fought with the fall of 1941, and lived in Omsk, where he had left his wife and children. Upon learning that I was from Petukhovo that parents - teachers and live in Siberia, just thought I was his countryman. Issued epaulets, belt winding and that it is impermissible to his side. But he can still be done to alleviate the plight of fellow countryman!? This circumstance facilitated by accompanying my prickly opinions of outsiders, since accompany the prisoner was required to comply with the formalities. Now we had four soldiers - and all. No one guessed that this group - the guards. By the evening reached a large village. Do the owners of Domke got grape wine. In this part Asyamochkin was a great master. They drank, ate and went to sleep on the floor in one room. Everyone was happy - to spend two or three days outside the location part, without the eyes of the authorities - is a feast for the soldier. We all reveled suddenly gushed to us happiness of freedom.

Chisinau stopped on the southern outskirts city, in a house with a large orchard. At that time they have had so many pears that they did not collect them from the ground. If as they could eat. While we gave herself up breakfast - Asyamochkin had gone with my bag to look for a military prosecutor. Of course, I was again without a belt and shoulder straps. He came very quickly. Military Prosecutor's Office two days ago, relocated [Volume 1, page 183] together with front and rear agencies reportedly was in Izmail, and perhaps in Constanta. On the way back have come to Chisinau market. We were struck by the abundance and cheapness of fruits and wine. He drank wine on the road, we came to the outskirts of the city, where he was MP for highway Chisinau-Tiraspol. On passing, "Studebaker, en route to Tiraspol, we will soon re-appeared on a farm near, the location of our battalion.

the road pay attention long columns of prisoners the Germans and Romanians. They are escorted in Tiraspol, where on the outskirts were several POW camps. Railway on Kishin1ev not yet been restored, road troops day and night working on the restoration of track and bridges, which managed to blow up the Germans at its retreat to the west. I still remember and can not forget the spectacle that can be seen only in war: the corpse of a German soldier was crushed to asphalt road, apparently casing of heavy tanks in the attack, and was to roll out like a pancake passing cars. Nobody, nobody cared to clean it up from the road. He did not interfere with the movement, but the spectacle horrible!

My foot made itself felt, I was limping noticeably. But I was not freed from detention in solitary confinement. For two days I sit. Much changed my mind. Seasoned people told me that a penal battalion me not to pass. I was ready to do so. In the long hours of solitude remembered childhood, when his parents lived and worked in the city Kamyshlov, then remembered the Sverdlovsk, two-story house made of thick logs and trimmed with boards in the October village, inhabited by some railway workers. The guys from our house, with whom spent time playing in the yard detectives and robbers. Boris Dmitriev - the son of the chief conductor of a passenger train Sverdlovsk - Mineral Waters. Volka and Shura Shipulin who lived behind a wall in our house, as we are on the ground floor. [Volume 1 sheet 184] Their sister, Sonya. I well remember their father, clothed in the form of Railway Transport Engineers, a peaked cap with badge on pterothorax. Their mother - a tall woman with a hooked nose and hard of hearing. She was always grumbling, nasally voice of his violin. Vic Nadtochy - son of former Austrian prisoner of war who has fallen in Russia after the First World War, and stayed in Russia to fight the Red Army during the Civil War. We lived with them in the same apartment, using kitchen and toilet together. Recalled the children's games: roll under on the bandwagon of freight trains. Very often in the summer thus left up to 73 kilometers (Departure station to Sverdlovsk. Now at this point, Sverdlovsk-screening.) Bathed in the Upper Iset Lake, went on makeshift rafts out of downed sleepers, climbed a tall tree. Is all of this happen?

Am I going to the nursery school (then known as "nulevkoy") across town without escort parents!? It was an adventure! What did you see any way - it was interesting! In "nulevku! I went to dinner. In the evening - again. Still, it was good time! In first grade I got in 1930. School was starting in front of a huge gray building made of granite - in this building, my father worked - Inspector Rail schools Perm Railroad. The second class I took at another school. She was closer to home and stayed near the shore of the city pond. Time, it was hard and hungry. Perceived as a celebration organized by the supplementary feeding of schoolchildren. Cooked pea soup or porridge of peas. It was - I loved obedenie.Gorohovuyu porridge since forever! He studied in the first grade without enthusiasm. Something I did not like school. Little freedom No games. [Volume 1, page 185] My memories are interrupted. Enters again the captain with Lieutenant Asyamochkinym. Asked to quickly get dressed and get ready for departure in Tiraspol. In Tiraspol, sit on the train, which was reconstructed from the freight cars and one passenger, and drove a station, it seems ArTsyz. Trains do not go beyond - way still defective. Where on foot, where passing vehicles, the evening got to Ishmael. The city is almost never seen at dusk. Commandant's Office and the Border located at the river terminal. We spent the night on the pier, and in the morning, before daybreak, we go to the ferry across the Danube. It turns out military prosecutor's office in Izmail long was delayed and moved to the city Giurgiu (Romania), also located on the banks of the Danube. Commandant advised Asyamochkinu get the train across Romania.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bracelets That You Break

Klimov, Yuri. Memories. № 23.

My grandfather, Klimov, Yuri (1922-2002) , left three volumes of memoirs about his life. In total, probably about 1000 A4 pages. Plus lots of photos. Memories of my great-grandfather (my father's grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8-I ; 9-I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20 -I ; 21-I ; 22-I ; 23rd; 24-I ;

[Volume 1 sheet 176]
Scheduled diluent I had to stand on guard at the guardhouse battalion from 12 am to 4 am. Even before the onset of all automatic weapons have been seized in our battalion. It is required primarily for the fighters to the upcoming break through German defenses. So I was seized PCA, and in return Again we obtain an ordinary rifle with triangular bayonet. In my cartridge has never been conventional ammunition. When unloading boxes of ammunition, I gained only armor-piercing incendiary, tracer or explosive, the tips of the bullets which were painted red.

sergeant, who that night performed the Head the guard waved us on post, replacing the time. As provided in the plan, I was put to guard the brig. It was a small building, not the room, not a barn, under a gable roof, no windows and one small door. This building was located on the edge of the village, on the crest of the ravine, overgrown with small bushes.

Inside the guardhouse was two or three men from our battalion who were punished by our command for disciplinary reasons. Place it was dark, not lighted. It was a quiet, windless and oppressive this time of year the weather. Penal battalions were already asleep. The door was closed on the lock, the key is a diluent.

I stood and remembered about her father and mother, who has not seen a long four years. Now I have received frequent letters from them. They were alive and well, both worked. Father became Head. the teaching in the newly opened Normal School in Petukhovo. How I wanted to get him, [Volume 1, page 177], at least for one day, see and hear all with their own eyes, to meet friends and companions of childhood and adolescence. Mom says that Toll Mikov went to flight school in g.Kurgane, graduating at the end of 1941 and was sent to the front under the Tulu or Kaluga. He was not lucky. He was shot down on his IL-2 in the first sortie. That is the sad story of my friend. Mom writes that Tanya [Ed. - Younger sister] went to the city of Petropavlovsk in the institute, who was evacuated from Moscow. I was amazed that my sister is also studying to be an engineer, land surveyor. In 1943 this institute again returned to Moscow in his native house in the street Kazakova, Building 15. The Institute was called: The Institute of Engineers zemleustroitelstva. I already knew что в Москве есть такой институт. Из нашей группы первого курса земфака ОСХИ, еще в 1940 году, уехали в Москву две студентки, которые сумели сделать перевод себе the first year zemfaka MIIZa. One of them was a Muscovite Krawczynski. The fate of our roads after the war led to a meeting in the building MIIZa.

My thoughts and memories were interrupted by the sudden approach of a group of people who are out of the darkness he could not identify.
- Stop! Who goes there? - Followed by my cry.
- his. - And followed password.
the voice heard its diluent. In addition to diluent and two patrol from our battalion with them were two men in civilian clothes. They have something mumbled incoherently in Moldovan or Romanian. It was noticeable that they were pretty drunk. Commander of the guard, took a key from the guard-house facilities, was intend [Volume 1, page 178] put them to our soldiers. But they strongly protested because the room was too crowded. Then, the head takes decision: to leave them until morning at the door of the guardhouse. "Romanian saboteurs" as they called distributing, arrested our patrol at night. They tried to flee, and when they caught up and began to arrest, they tried to resist, threatening dagger bayonet. Passes or other documents they had with them was not.

They were forced to lie down on reed mats, which were on hand at the guardhouse. In parting, the chief guard of strictly warned me that it leaves the detainees on my own responsibility. In case they run away - I will answer his own head. He was sure that it really is not the common people, and therefore ordered to be particularly vigilant with them. With these words, along with the patrol went to the guardhouse. It was about 2 am. My "saboteurs" were among themselves about something says quietly. Because many Romanian words I knew, it became clear that they agree to escape. That made me wary. I went back and forth in five meters away from where they lay, their rifles at the ready. It was dark, but bright mats were visible two gray shapes that lay in their entire length. At that time, I caught up with them, one of them got on his knees and said:
- Tovarischul! Comrade! Ey vreu merzhi a tangent. Retry! (Comrade, let us go home. Please!)
- Jos! - I called them (Lezhat. not rise.) Directing towards them rifle. But the one that spoke, got up on his feet and grasped with both hands my rifle bayonet ...

[Volume 1, page 179] I felt his strong arms pulled out of my hands a rifle. Delay was impossible - it is realized in a split second to solve Now the outcome of the match.
- Wait, do not move, I'll shoot! - I cried, now in Russian, and with the force pulling on a rifle, while recoiling from the his three steps. Despite the fact that he kept his bayonet with both hands on my strong tug he could not hold it - too thin tetrahedral Russian bayonet for it. Klatsnuv gate, I drove the cartridge into the breech and fired without taking aim at the assailant. Then, one after another shot again, but now in the air, into the sky. High the sky remove the two tracers - which meant the alarm and call for the post of commander of the guard. Chief and two soldiers were not long in coming. They heard the tramp in the still of the night sleeping village.

At his question I answered curtly: attack and attempt to escape. He highlighted a flashlight lying. A large blood stain on the reed mat, legs and torso lying on the ground, on both sides spread out his hands. Commander of the guard began to examine the second, but he lay motionless and without speaking. Flashed the thought that one shot was finished with two at once. But the soldiers have helped to establish that the second detainee alive. Woke up in the guardhouse, "penal" and carried on conversations with the supervisor, specifying the circumstances of the night scene. Before the end of my post was still about 30 minutes. Placing the post hour, We went to the guardhouse. The rifle is placed in a pyramid, I automatically undressed to sleep in the remaining hours of the night, but sleep would not come. Commander of the guard and a few soldiers again and again questioned about the incident. Nobody knew what kind of people where they are, for whatever reason they have been in our location. Without waiting for the dawn, the chief went to the headquarters. It seems to inform commanders of the emergency.

[Volume 1, page 180] My bad dream was interrupted by the arrival of diluent and the captain - A staff worker. He ordered [Ed. - ... want to try to guess what was available? ... ]

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Personalized Ribbon Los Angeles

What was available to a staff captain after an overnight emergency?

Before reading further, porobovat want to guess what was available to a staff captain after night emergency , where my grandfather was shot and killed detainee?


Ariens Online Dealers

Klimov, Yuri. Memories. № 22.

My grandfather , Klimov, Yuri (1922-2002) , left three volumes of memoirs about their lives. In total, probably about 1000 A4 pages. Plus lots of photos. Memories of my great-grandfather (my father's grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8 -I ; 9-I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20-I ; 21-I ; 22-I; 23rd ; 24-I ;

at Komsomol meetings company I was admitted to the Komsomol. Komsorgom company was my friend Sasha Shephathiah. I kept his picture, which I put to the text. Born and raised in the Don Cossack family. As a child lost an eye and was lsvobozhden from military duty. He was drafted into the army after the Battle of Stalingrad. After the war I tried to find his address, but received no answer. His farm is under construction Zakharovo Volga-Dnskogo channel was flooded reservoir.

Solution Meeting about my admission to the Young Communist League must be approved by the Political Department in the 3rd Ukrainian Front. In one of the days in August, we went with him and three other newly approved in the Young Communist League in passing car in political office, which is still housed in Berezovka.

All my life I remember a conversation with the Major, who represented Secretary of the Komsomol 3rd Ukrainian Front. He began by saying that I should briefly [Volume 1, page 173] told his biography. Upon learning that I was in the German-occupied Odessa began to ask questions:
- Here, You, Comrade Klimov, why did not open fire, when I first saw that in front of your enemy, the Nazis?
- I was not drafted into the army, was not armed.
- Is not necessarily have to be armed? To combat there are thousands of funds. Why not take a grenade, rifle or machine gun and opened fire? You are entering the ranks of the Komsomol in the Soviet Army - are you willing to give herself entirely for the sake of winning?
- Yes, it is ready! - I said.
- But you were given the case manifest themselves before the enemy, but you did not use it. How could you believe that this will not happen again?
- Now I understood much, reinterpreted.
He began to tell of Komsomol "Young Guards" in Krasnodon, which I then knew nothing. Apparently he was well aware of the Komsomolets Krasnodona, maybe he was associated with their organization.
- Well, we will assume that you are accepted into the ranks of the Komsomol. - He said, ending the conversation.

-= PHOTO Scan Komsomol ticket (see above) =-

-= PHOTOGRAPHY V. Klimov inscription on the back: "World War II Romania g.Tamishoary 20/XII-44" (see above) =-

[Volume 1 sheet 174] In early August, received good news about opening a second front by the Americans and British. The news further approved the idea of imminent defeat Nazis. At our station arrived and quickly unloaded during the night tank brigades. We rejoiced in their powerful and long-barreled bronb orudiyaPribyvala heavy artillery, came "Katyusha". We were tortured work day and night for the unloading of ammunition from the rail cars. All went to that Events will start soon on our front. In early August, the station .... [Ed. - Omitted], our companies were busy combing neighborhoods on proimke saboteurs, parachutists, allegedly dumped in our rear. It was even looks like spy-radio operator. From early morning until night, lined up in the chain at intervals of 20-30 meters, moving fields forested ravines. Stared attentively to everything, where I could hide an enemy. In urban areas, spreading time in the suburbs, starts with a detailed searched all the buildings, attics, basements, barns and other buildings. But it was all in vain! But somewhere, they should be? Then, after the war, I realized that this was a planned операция по дезинформированию противника. Командование насыщало тылы на ложном направлении главного удара, которое было подброшено врагу. Фашисты могли check out this direction and popytatsyaopredelit concentration of forces and means. It was necessary to be vigilant and constantly scour neighbors rear of the troops on the frontlines.

the morning on August 20 at the front heard powerful rumblings artelleriyskoy cannonade. Then they decay, then the new force lumbered elsewhere. Snachchala gunfire could be heard from the area north of Tiraspol, near Dubosar. But the main blow was in store with a piece of land [Volume 1, page 175] was still free at the bank of the Dniester, in the area moldavkogo Kitskany village, located south of Tiraspol. Zamyl Tolbukhina fully justified - the blow was strong and unexpected for the enemy. In a breakthrough rushed tanks and mechanized infantry on vehicles. Began a rapid onset of the third and 2 of the First Ukrainian Front, which ended the defeat of German grupprirovok around Chisinau and Iasi. By the end of August 23 movable GROUPS Soviet troops were in the area of Bucharest - the capital of Romania. Kings Romanian, Mihai I, a cute young officer, my odnogodok, asked the world by overthrowing the forces inside the country who grovel before Hitler. Mihai I later received the Order of Stalin's "victory" - the only award with diamonds, which gave the king. On its merits were told curtly: "for muzhestvnny gesture, which led to the exit from the war Romania. "

Our battalion was immediately relocated to the outskirts of Tiraspol - Middle Farm. Tiraspol city, which is still Three days ago was purely a front city, now turned a deep rear. It began to establish in civic life. In the Middle of our farm unit were occupied by all buildings: one-story school - under the barracks, the stockyards, the office of former collective farms and private homes residents.

commandant ordered all city departments and chati who remained in the city and its suburbs to organize patrols around the clock. Our department will send the detail on sentry duty and patrolling the suburbs, according to the plan governor. In those days, Tiraspol was crowded with columns of prisoners of war the Germans and the Romanians seized after the encirclement of enemy troops near Chisinau.

Scheduled diluent I had to stand on guard for a battalion gaupvahty from 12 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the morning ...

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Brazilian Wax Richmond Va

Klimov, Yuri. Memories. № 21.

My grandfather, Klimov, Yuri (1922-2002) , left three volumes of memoirs about his life. In total, probably about 1000 A4 pages. Plus lots of photos. Recollections of my great-grandfather (my father's grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8 -I ; 9-I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20-I ; 21-I; 22-I ; 23rd ; 24-I ;

[Volume 1, page 166] My appearance was at the Pirogov unexpected. Olga was glad I arrived and tried to feed them. But in the house were sad Fenya I. and Simon Vikentyevich. His "dragged" through the district committee. He is accountable for his party mission as an underground worker. Situation was not in his favor, and could have dire consequences ...

I explained purpose of his trip and asked me to perform er. To do this, I had two more days to come. Olga found sheets of paper 300. This was not enough. Semen Vikentyevich suggested that the market can get, if lucky, but need the money, rubles, 150. I was only 70 rubles, the others gave Goleny. I bought the paper the next day on the market, the magpie, who felt free as before. I noticed that the town is gradually being restored. The building was destroyed station working people rebuilding the wall. I stopped to look at the passenger train had come from Moscow. Got a group of young girls with backpacks and suitcases. Asked me how to find out where they need to work civil engineers. I talked with them, I was curious to talk to Muscovite just arrived from the capital city after graduation. They were young professionals. I recalled his arrival at this station in 1940 and I thought that since обернётся моя судьба. Мне тоже захотелось продолжить учёбу в ОСХИ, как продолжала её Ольга.

Я стоял у вокзала и, вдруг, обратил внимание, что стою на том месте, where one and a half months ago, was hanged Romanian looter in military uniform. People came and went with this station and no one knows what happened here on April 11 1944.
Одесский вокзал с пометкой места казни мародёра в апреле 1945.

[Volume 1, page 167] the evening with Olga, we went to the cinema "Beau Monde" dliz station and first saw the new movie "Two Soldiers", with the main Role of Andreev and Bernes. Song " Silent night, only bullets whistling over the steppe " is sung in our battalion to the guitar. It was fashionable. Of course, the movie We are very pleased and I had a lot of time to see him. But the first time, seen in Odessa after its release - a feeling of incredible. And what about the execution Song Mark Bernes - " scows full of mullet in Odessa Kostya led "? I wanted more and more time to see and hear songs from the movie.

Back to home Battalion I returned to the tank freight train. It so happened that I arrived at the Odessa-commodity late in the evening on the tram. Until Tiraspol highway, where standing item was still miles CP of about 2. At the station was a freight train, which according to the conductor had to go in the direction of Split, and then through patrol Kuchurgan to Tiraspol. Echelon was the military, and followed up to the front with a load. After talking with the assistant engineer, and told me that I urgently need to be a its portion in Kuchurhan, he understood me and nodded at the trailers 50 ton tank of the tender. I got a job at the top of the neck. The time was summer, was hot weather. He took off his overcoat, a bite to eat. Here, SB-20 locomotive whistled deep voice and composition started. Here, the station flashed a familiar summer holidays, benefits, and train all walked and walked without stopping. Tank on which I sat was designed for water supplies. So it was decided in the front line. Fumes and soot from the engine - all settled on me. His eyes were not open. I became like a chimney sweep. Finally, at the next station the train stopped at a red semaphore. It was necessary to to do something against the soot.

[Volume 1, page 168] Luke neck was not battened down the screws and opening it I found the ability to accommodate the neck of the tank as for the armor of the tank. This was possible only because the base was welded grating, does not interfere with water filling the tank. In addition, there lay a board, laid by someone earlier for the same purpose. It was convenient. At the bottom of the tank was filled with fresh water and hatch, I threw like a tank.

The final stretch to st.Razdelnoy suddenly the sky lit up with beams of searchlights, antiaircraft guns clapping. German bombers raid on the station. The train slowed down and slowly approached the station separately. Fortunately, much damage has not brought the bombing, the bomb flashed wide of the mark.

morning was Kuchurhan. Washed, and both could lead themselves in order. Having given the chief of staff paper was to his platoon. The soldiers dug and dug a whole platoon. The work prospered, and by evening had been established a huge pit. From scrap materials were made by the ceiling and the top covered with earth. Instead of drug were used boxes of captured munitions. Well, comfortable, cool. The next day they dug the economic dugout for the kitchen.
Chef we had an elderly Cossack from the Don, cheerful good-natured person, a tireless worker. Cook was able to almost all of the most ordinary products. We ate decently, the products were the norm on the front: 600 grams of bread, sugar, tea, American stew or bacon-lard. Of such grub that do not - all will be delicious. Particularly good kulesh - soup of millet or barley cooked until thick liquid meals and well-seasoned Fat American tinned meat. [Volume 1, page 169] At the time, it's the ultimate dream for a soldier.

work during this period was not difficult - chemical protection. stock and trophy munitions in the territory, fenced with barbed wire in a single stake. Positions had a lot of people missed. Every day or night attire. Back when we were in Split, I received as a personal weapon rifle, an old second-hand trehlineyku. This, of course, did not suit me. I needed a machine PCA, and I accidentally found it in a pit near the station Kuchurgan. I still do not understand how he was there. Disc on 71 cartridge was empty. I brought it in order, cleaned and smeared. Patrons to get to us was not difficult: we worked on the loading of ammunition.

In our platoon was a fighter from Chernenko Odessy.Kak some time for him came his wife, sought out for us his note, sent by a passing car. We had to do a family hut for the couple on the night. Gave them the kitchen, and cooked to "grubke, folded in the open.

entertainment for us were captured percussion-fuzes for landmines. We joked at each other, mining the most unbelievable places: Nara, pots, haversack, benches, and even toilets. Harm they could bring, because exploded only one blasting cap, similar to the "zhevelo. I noticed that there are rabbits in a field and, once, I managed to shoot a machine gun huge hare. Since then the guys asked me to go hunting for rabbits. Apparently, roast hare they liked it. I managed to kill them, a total of eight pieces, while not kill them all in our zapretke.

One day in July, I was sent with five [Volume 1, page 170] other fighters in service officer courses on chemical agents used at the front: Molotov fluid, flame throwers, smoke bombs, chemical means of protection from toxic substances, etc. The teachings took place in the field of application and use of these funds. There I first saw our Soviet backpack flamethrowers, FOGi in action. A bottle with the COP had to throw himself on the layout of the tank, set fire to smoke Checkers for raising a smokescreen. These teachings were held in Domanevskom area, if memory serves me.

In July, the whole battalion was raised on alert and walking during the day the column sent to a nearby station Migayev, then after spending the night went back to his location. So a few times. It seemed to us it is pointless expenditure of our forces, the bungling of senior commanders, etc. Only after the war by reading the memoirs of generals 3rd Ukrainian Front, was clear why this was done, not only with our battalion, but also many other parts: it done for the delusion of the enemy, his exploration of terrestrial and aerial. Created the appearance of movement of troops to a specific area of the front. Later it was confirmed. The enemy did not expect the blow will be dealt with Kitskanskogo springboard. It was inconvenient for many indicators for us - so thought the enemy.

In our platoon was the one from Odessa, who suffered from night blindness and gastric ulcer. Often sick and was represented by well-known nuisance platoon. Command [Volume 1, page 171] has decided to send him to a clinic in Odessa Filatov. Accompanying I was appointed. So the second time I was again seconded to Odessa. Only this time the departure was made at the battalion machine and I was at Olga's no more two hours - he had to hurry to a conditional place to collect and return departure.

In late July, three companies of the battalion were deployed to wait without specifying the period near Migayev station, near which was located manor farm or farm. Especially for demaskirovki us posted on the outskirts of the village and forced dig a foxhole, trenches, machine gun nests. Near the station was organized by the empty warehouse of empty containers that brought the car, approached freight trains with containers. All this is demonstrably unloaded with a clear bottom, in front of the German "frame" - a spy plane, which hung over the front from sunrise to sunset. On separate and Karpovka produced two brutal night raids the Germans. It was as bright as day from the "lights on parachutes," dropped by the Germans before the bombing. All the sky speckled with fiery trails of anti-aircraft shells and beams of searchlights. About an hour heard explosions on station tracks all night raging flames of fire in the side of Split.

When we were brought there, there is still waning train carrying munitions, which exploded, not allowing access road. [Volume 1, page 172] waited for the new plaque to hinder clearing of paths, but the Lord spared. Waited too, that our warehouse is also, theoretically, should subjected to destruction from the air. All measures be taken to promptly take refuge in the gap from enemy fire.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Day My X Bf Greetings

PR welcome

If someone reads memoirs of my grandfather V. Klimov and finds them interesting, it would be nice if their pushing the.
welcome as white, and sneer. : O)

The following parts of speech will focus on
  • - reception at Komsomol
  • - how and why my grandfather killed a man
  • - that he was for it
  • - impressions of Romania: the relationship with the local
  • - a crime in Romania, the Red Army soldiers and their implications
  • - commodity and money relations
  • - impressions from Bulgaria
  • - impressions of Yugoslavia: Wait at the home of white emigrants, Yugoslav partisans
  • - Hungary: relationships with local, including the girls.
  • - guns, hunting
  • - relationships with women employees WPRA
  • - Leisure Red
and others ...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Mice When You Have A Rabbit

I remember ...

writer and playwright Eugene Mitko ( ):
"I wrote many scripts about today, but I confess that I love to write about the past. The past has defended, to comprehend, clearly stood out in it the main thing.

I distinctly remember the occupation, memory is retained, as the Germans were dressed like they are in the mornings to a high luster polish boots and rubbed up straight arrows pants. As they polished boots jumped through the puddles and throwing cigarette butts on the ground. Then for the first time in my life I tried to dry sausage. Its me, boy, treated non-commissioned officer, who was in our house instilled in the day threatening Quartermaster inscribed on our door: "1 mann». The sergeant was sociable, he treated fruit drops and showed photos of their esteemed parents, wives, and Kinder. Interspersed with family photos lying photos were shot, hanged, and he was a noncommissioned officer, was standing a foot from the dead elongated legs unfortunate people in lybyas happy for him and disgusting for us to smile.

In those days, I came upon a grove on the gun, "sorokopyatki" on the panel which were scratched the names and addresses of the victims. Unlike the heroes of the script, I rewrote them. But what you take with Sloboda boy, to whom ten years was not there? ..

in the occupation of our soldiers traveled Mariupol-Romania-karutsah carts with canvas awnings. They were quick mischievous boys - Famously stole from the Germans, the people from each other, then fight, dividing stolen. Our neighbor, Grandma P. survived the occupation that grow corn, luschila cobs, ground it on a homemade mill, like a great coffee grinder, yellow, tight grain. Of flour she baked on a griddle is small - corn pie, stuffed with apricots, cherries, apples. Because fruits grow in any government. In the occupation of the boys sang: « Mihai Antonescu and fight for the small and you, Hitler, do not yawn, hominy Take ». Once on the market soldiers took the Romanians Petrovna few pieces of small and began to rummage in their pockets - they say, forgotten mark at home, now get it. To Petrovna not worry, he handed her his gun. Grandma P. waits an hour or two ... a German policeman with pewter color buckles on the chest raked old woman armed with rifles. In the occupation for the storage of weapons relied shot. In the Gestapo figured out Petrovna released. Only her whole malay with cherries gendarmes gobbled up until his grandmother questioned. "

But drafts of the memoirs of my grandfather:
" Koktebel read the book "The Flame над Севастополем" Михаила Македонского. Он был долгое время директором совхоза "Коктебель" в Щебетовке. Хорошо описал все трудности партизанской War in the Crimea. It is a song:

Mihai Antonescu and fight for the malay.
And this went high, even to bed, even die.
Antonescu was high - captured large piece.
Romania, Mihai Papush a big nose.
Antonescu gave the order for 2 days to take the Caucasus.
and Romania did not understand and for 2 days gave the Caucasus.
Dumb fat, dumb wines Song for saying good Ukraine.
Gaina Shi, Shi kukosh Stalin Uncle Nui karosh.
Antonescu gave the order to all Romanians to the Caucasus,
and Romanians Lasa, Lhasa, on karutsi Akashi, yes!
Romagna - Asta bun,
Romagna Nui breather!

So a funny satire of jargon sang the Romanian soldiers, taunting them. They only laughed at it, without much malice. "

Friday, April 2, 2010

Difference Between Wisconson Cheddars

Klimov, Yuri. Memories. № 20.

My grandfather, Klimov, Yuri (1922-2002) , left three volumes of memoirs about his life. In total, probably about 1000 pages A4. Plus lots of photos. Memories of my great-grandfather (my father's grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8-I ; 9 -I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20-I; 21-I ; 22-I ; 23rd ; 24-I ;

Finally came the turn for me. Morning ordered the construction of the building and walked along the old colonel, accompanied by a slender 3-lieutenants. Starting from the head down, he would ask what is sick and so many disables and ordered to stand in a different order, five steps ahead. As they passed me He asked me what I have told to stand in another system. Nobody knew where and what people are selected. The new ranks were mostly young people who have had arms and legs intact. So I got a new team of 120 people. Order came: after dinner, the construction of a marching column of all things.

in a reserve regiment, the Fensterovo, basic structure consisted of people call again, all were dressed in civilian clothes. However, here came and the Warriors after the hospital and from other parts. They are easily distinguished by the uniform. Because of the spring thaw rears behind, shipping products and, especially, new uniforms - was delayed.

Lined up in the platoon, our convoy moved off again under the command of lieutenants. At the first halt, it became known that we [Volume 1, page 160] had to to march the length of about forty miles. The final point was called the station ROazdelnaya, which was supposed to go late at night.

This was the way to the broken ground shosseyke, which is an expensive rapid onset of mechanized cavalry group of general Pliyev in the first days of April. This required him to Odessa because of the fierce battles for the city was not. In the spring, in deep mud, when she could not go no equipment, troopers from the Don Kuban and managed a bold maneuver to get behind enemy lines and the move to capture the junction station split, cut Odessa, once in the rear of the German group, forcing them to flee from Odessa without resistance.

Our column stretched. Commanders now and then ordered to pull himself up, interspersing orders selective Russian abuse. Everywhere on the way there were traces of fierce fighting, lay shattered German machinery, cars, wagons, dead horses. Near the small village of local boys were playing on the German tank "Ferdinand, who was standing near the road, with my legs gun barrel. like a thick log. In another village there were two abandoned German newcomers howitzer with a broad muzzle brake. We were young, all were interested and we are not worse than the rural boys, climbed onto the tank and rotated the steering wheels guns. I remember that on a short halt, I saw a few horse-drawn wagons, German, thrown into the side of the road and went to see chtov they have. [Volume 1, page 161] It was found that they were loaded with horse hoofs and nails. Horseshoes were ogromnve, with spikes, calculated on the German heavy trucks, which were slow and sounded like elephants. There also were scattered everywhere forged nails for shoeing horses ... Returning to the constructed column, I received a scolding from platoon commander for the AWOL. He immediately razyasnil that "repent" without the need may end badly - you can run into a minefield.

the evening seemed to canvas the railway station but not yet in sight. On an open field with stubble, mowed last year wheat, we saw traces of a recent the tragedy here three days ago: among the craters of mines and shells were scattered Russian soldiers haversack, punched pots, torn shoes, hats with earflaps with asterisks ... The corpses of Soviet soldiers were removed and taken away, but some parts of the human body, blood-stained coat still lay not cleaned ... Heavy and depressing picture. We watched in silence and tried to understand how and where they followed a terrible blow.

It was clear when they came out on the track rail road. In the bush and on the mound lay piles of German shells fired ... Apparently our soldiers ran into an ambush set by the Germans. Gauge of railway Odessa-split was destroyed by the retreating enemy. Rails are all blown up, and ties are broken in half by some device to hookup to the engine.

It was dark, and the Split station is still not clear. People are tired and toppled to the ground as soon as a team camp for 5 minutes. How hard is it to climb ... legs as if filled with [Volume 1, page 162] lead, I have ... The command "lift" and here again we whip forward ...

The split came to the station late at night. In the darkness could be seen dilapidated station building, on the ways the mass of wagons. Our part of the headquarters was located on the southern outskirts of the village station, called "Sloboda". They were rustic adobe houses with household outbuildings and gardens. All those who joined up as I could and fell asleep like the dead sleep until the morning. On the morning of newcomers have built separately and distributed into companies and platoons. Totzhe Colonel who we chose to spare Regiment, reported that we now yavlyaemya privates 88 separate working battalion, part of the 5-Second Shock Army 3rd Ukrainian Front. Name This lieutenant was black. He also introduced us to his deputy for political affairs - Major infantry. We have announced that from today, we must do boyvoy and drill schooling, study mat.chast small arms, to study the statutes of guard duty, etc. Clothing obtain one of these days when it will be received at an army warehouse, weapons - too. And yet today - bath day for all, cut and honey. inspection, work orders. I was enrolled in the first Platoon 2-th company. Of the older soldiers in the company were about 10, not more. And where are the rest? It turns out they are somewhere on the road. Before the split they were stationed on the Don, it seems in Barvenkovskom or Kalach was shifted here and now, blyazhe to the front. the old man learned that our main job is to unloading-loading works on the railway stations, trains unloaded with ammunition and load them spetsukuporkoy fired artillery casings, etc.

[that 1, page 163] the feast on May 1. In Major Infantry, which was, as I said, the deputy. polit. Our battalion had a lot of hassle about it. Upon learning that I am a former Institute student, he invited me to prepare, together with his orderly Buryakov festive wall newspaper. Buriak was kid 14-15 years old and was considered "a son Regiment. Dressed in form Krasnoarmeyskoye uniform, he is everywhere, "poking your nose," was among the newcomers, read a summary of the Soviet Information Bureau, gave the central newspaper. We started with him for making the newspaper. I - for decoration, and he - to collect the note in the units. I remember as a political officer criticized my drawings for the fact that a German tank with a swastika does not look padded. I had to re-draw in paint. This time he liked my work. Tank was depicted with a break gun aboard a huge gaping hole and slid to a caterpillar rollers. Our tanks belched fire and rushed forward.

numbers on April 26, we once again drove through the bath and equip a new form of cotton. eminent English shoes, and winding old gray uniforms with patches. It was evident that coats were in combat, but were issued after cleaning. We knew that the death toll in the fighting are buried in mass graves without their coats, they still must serve, now others ...

We sruzu become unrecognizable. Caps were sitting right on our cropped head. True krasnoarmeskih stars was not and could not get them. The trouble this fixable: stars had to be made from tin and sewing thread to his cap. The first of May in the location of the team arrived, which were deep in the rear now: with Don, Rostov and Donetsk regions. Some were told that they had worked in mills for the army, others in farms for the army, but mainly engaged in shipping goods by rail.

[Volume 1, page 164] When Odessa outfit they became significantly differentiated special temperament, unique to this southern city. Major Infantry still I play the role of politinformatora, daily summary report from the front, producing military leaves.

After the holidays yellow. travel troops restored the railway and the station split began arriving trains, which were unloaded by our battalion.

Germans hurriedly running away, left all over (70km) route between Odessa and separate a large number of wagons loaded with different assets, and techniques. At the station, even split there were two German trains, train loaded with tanks.

In our battalion in Split were stationed cavalry division gene. Pliyev. Now they have left us, going to another section of the front. Front stabilized on the Dniester River. Tiraspol was a frontline town. The front was not far away, which some 12-15 km and is well tapped cannonade.

In May the battalion headquarters relocated in the German village of Baden, which is located on the banks of the Dniester estuary. Residents were not there. Apparently, they went west with the German troops. At 2k from Baden, was yellow. dor. Kuchurgan station, on a segment of the road linking st.Razdelnuyu with Tiraspol, and then to Chisinau.

Our 1 st platoon of the 2 nd company posted in an open field for the railroad to protect the chemical warehouse. Under the warehouse premises were used, abandoned by the Germans, along with a store of ammunition, fenced with barbed wire. Battalion staff workers are needed in a simple writing paper. To get the paper, but it could get only in Odessa, they began to search among the citizens of Odessa willing to perform this operation. [Volume 1, page 165] Naturally, this operation is not credited and I had to show own wit and lightness. Since the paper was needed and I am fighting for the wall newspapers and leaflets, I agreed to go on a mission to city. I was unspeakably happy again pobyvatv Odessa, to see Olga and her parents learn the news. I agreed, but did not know how and what I will be able find a writing paper.

squad, in which I served was born in Krasnoyarsk, was wounded at Stalingrad and was left without a right foot (toes), rose to the rank of sergeant. Called his bones. Name, unfortunately, he forgot. We became friends, as it happens only at the front. By sending me to the city he gave me his coat, which was new and had petlyatsy and epaulettes st.serzhanta. Overcoat was needed for a style - rode into town to a favorite .... Shoulder straps had to change the situation. Now, after years of living, I realized how much it was risky on my part, I get caught by a patrol check.

Going to the railway crossing st.Kuchergan, where the highway Odessa-Tiraspol crossed the road, I became zhdyat a passing car at Odessa. At this point, the improved highway crosses the yellow. the way to the high embankment. On the sidelines stood still our Soviet tank, American-made, padded to the fighting in early April, but was not sent to the rear for repairs. Seems it was a "Valentine" or "Mrs.". I climbed on him and the first Studebaker on my signal stopped. The driver, thinking that I tanker, sat me in his cab. The car went to Odessa and 3 hours later I was in town on Moldavanka.

At Kulikovo field, I pinned epaulettes st.serzhanta, but I thought that I was soon to be as such, tore two stripes and the house became corporal.

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