Monday, April 19, 2010

Is There A Uncensored Version Of School Spirit?

Klimov, Yuri. Memories. № 24.

My grandfather, Yury Klimov Vasilyevich (1922-2002) , left 3 volumes of memoirs about his life. In total, probably about 1000 A4 pages. Plus lots of photos. Memories of my great-grandfather (father my grandfather) - Klimov Vasilii Mikhailovich (1891-1978) - here .

All published parts: 1-I ; 2-I ; third ; 4-I ; 5-I ; 6-I ; 7-I ; 8 -I ; 9-I ; 10-I ; 11-I ; 12-I ; 13th ; 14-I ; 15-I ; 16-I ; 17-I ; 18-I ; 19-I ; 20 -I ; 21-I ; 22-I ; 23rd ; 24-I; 25-I

[Volume 1, page 180]
My bad dream was interrupted by the arrival of diluent and captain - a staff worker. He was ordered to take me under arrest. They took off the belt unbuckled straps, ordered to unwind the winding. All of this took the captain of the guard и положил в шкаф, в котором хранились также вещи сидевших на гауптвахте. Стали думать и гадать куда меня посадить: ведь гауптвахта занята. Выход подсказал подошедший Chief of Staff. It was a small closet in a house near the school. Closed the door to the outside of the bolt, the door set time. Commander of the guard and the officers I was told that this procedure is necessary to clarify and investigate. In the afternoon of the Tiraspol city prosecutor's office came a young woman to form almost a girl. This investigator. In form was drawn up interrogation, inspection rifles, etc. Interrogated by much and long.

In my memory issues that seemed a logical corollary to the special and came across a consequence of a false path.
- Did I previously detained?
- Why use a weapon without warning shot?
- Why to use cartridge with an explosive bullet?
- Why not try to use the bayonet instead of bullets?
- How and why the detainees are not placed indoors?
- What say the detainees?
- more like the attack was carried out on me? All
repeatedly checked. I remember that investigator, took out his handkerchief bag, wiped the blade of his bayonet, trying to verify whether the shooting of this rifle. On the first day of command established by the detainee alive all that was required to know them. Much easier: the two detainees "saboteurs" - working at the nearest airfield, older family people. In the evening, ran away from their location, they went [Volume 1, page 181] to educate women on the outskirts of Tiraspol, firmly be in the wind, and returning in his working battalion, were detained patrol. Both are residents of the village, located somewhere near Chisinau. Here is a harmless night of their trip, and my actions with respect to them, the outcome - they made our command of the validity of my actions in office. By that time, military prosecutors have moved for front-line parts and reportedly was in Kishinev.

civilian prosecutors, who investigated my case, came to the conclusion that on my part allowed "excess self-defense, self-defense. " According to the criminal code in effect when it is threatened with imprisonment up to 3 years. Command of the battalion, seeing than it threatens, has refused the services of civilian prosecutors and agreed to seek assistance from the military prosecutor's office three Ukrainian Front. True, it was clear violation and by the head of the guard, who did not organize the room detained in a separate chamber, forcing the guard to the open air.

Interrogation of the second Moldovan and his testimony was not in my favor: he denied trying to escape and attack the guard. Sitting in the guardhouse to direct witnesses not included, but their testimony does not clarify the matter for investigation. Post-mortem examination confirmed the victim's my evidence: a shot made from a distance 4 meters, with an entrance bullet hole in his chest in the heart area and the output gap bullets on the back. On the route of a bullet found that he was on his feet and whole body turned towards me, that soostvetstvuet position in attack.

four days, accompanied by a lieutenant and two soldiers Asyamochkina from our battalion, I was taken in Chisinau, the military prosecutor. At this time, not quite the way I felt bad leg [Volume 1, page 182] again begins ache a little. This feeling is familiar to me since childhood. Begins a new abscess on his right thigh, where my area of osteomyelitis. At first he was not hurt and does not interfere with walking, but over time more and more gaining urgency and in 10 - 15 days reaches a stage when the leg swells and becomes impossible to walk without pain.

in Bender, which We came on foot through the Tiraspol, then a large village Parkany, then across the pontoon bridge across the Dniester, we did a great camp for lunch. Lt. Asyamochkin was not yet old, fought with the fall of 1941, and lived in Omsk, where he had left his wife and children. Upon learning that I was from Petukhovo that parents - teachers and live in Siberia, just thought I was his countryman. Issued epaulets, belt winding and that it is impermissible to his side. But he can still be done to alleviate the plight of fellow countryman!? This circumstance facilitated by accompanying my prickly opinions of outsiders, since accompany the prisoner was required to comply with the formalities. Now we had four soldiers - and all. No one guessed that this group - the guards. By the evening reached a large village. Do the owners of Domke got grape wine. In this part Asyamochkin was a great master. They drank, ate and went to sleep on the floor in one room. Everyone was happy - to spend two or three days outside the location part, without the eyes of the authorities - is a feast for the soldier. We all reveled suddenly gushed to us happiness of freedom.

Chisinau stopped on the southern outskirts city, in a house with a large orchard. At that time they have had so many pears that they did not collect them from the ground. If as they could eat. While we gave herself up breakfast - Asyamochkin had gone with my bag to look for a military prosecutor. Of course, I was again without a belt and shoulder straps. He came very quickly. Military Prosecutor's Office two days ago, relocated [Volume 1, page 183] together with front and rear agencies reportedly was in Izmail, and perhaps in Constanta. On the way back have come to Chisinau market. We were struck by the abundance and cheapness of fruits and wine. He drank wine on the road, we came to the outskirts of the city, where he was MP for highway Chisinau-Tiraspol. On passing, "Studebaker, en route to Tiraspol, we will soon re-appeared on a farm near, the location of our battalion.

the road pay attention long columns of prisoners the Germans and Romanians. They are escorted in Tiraspol, where on the outskirts were several POW camps. Railway on Kishin1ev not yet been restored, road troops day and night working on the restoration of track and bridges, which managed to blow up the Germans at its retreat to the west. I still remember and can not forget the spectacle that can be seen only in war: the corpse of a German soldier was crushed to asphalt road, apparently casing of heavy tanks in the attack, and was to roll out like a pancake passing cars. Nobody, nobody cared to clean it up from the road. He did not interfere with the movement, but the spectacle horrible!

My foot made itself felt, I was limping noticeably. But I was not freed from detention in solitary confinement. For two days I sit. Much changed my mind. Seasoned people told me that a penal battalion me not to pass. I was ready to do so. In the long hours of solitude remembered childhood, when his parents lived and worked in the city Kamyshlov, then remembered the Sverdlovsk, two-story house made of thick logs and trimmed with boards in the October village, inhabited by some railway workers. The guys from our house, with whom spent time playing in the yard detectives and robbers. Boris Dmitriev - the son of the chief conductor of a passenger train Sverdlovsk - Mineral Waters. Volka and Shura Shipulin who lived behind a wall in our house, as we are on the ground floor. [Volume 1 sheet 184] Their sister, Sonya. I well remember their father, clothed in the form of Railway Transport Engineers, a peaked cap with badge on pterothorax. Their mother - a tall woman with a hooked nose and hard of hearing. She was always grumbling, nasally voice of his violin. Vic Nadtochy - son of former Austrian prisoner of war who has fallen in Russia after the First World War, and stayed in Russia to fight the Red Army during the Civil War. We lived with them in the same apartment, using kitchen and toilet together. Recalled the children's games: roll under on the bandwagon of freight trains. Very often in the summer thus left up to 73 kilometers (Departure station to Sverdlovsk. Now at this point, Sverdlovsk-screening.) Bathed in the Upper Iset Lake, went on makeshift rafts out of downed sleepers, climbed a tall tree. Is all of this happen?

Am I going to the nursery school (then known as "nulevkoy") across town without escort parents!? It was an adventure! What did you see any way - it was interesting! In "nulevku! I went to dinner. In the evening - again. Still, it was good time! In first grade I got in 1930. School was starting in front of a huge gray building made of granite - in this building, my father worked - Inspector Rail schools Perm Railroad. The second class I took at another school. She was closer to home and stayed near the shore of the city pond. Time, it was hard and hungry. Perceived as a celebration organized by the supplementary feeding of schoolchildren. Cooked pea soup or porridge of peas. It was - I loved obedenie.Gorohovuyu porridge since forever! He studied in the first grade without enthusiasm. Something I did not like school. Little freedom No games. [Volume 1, page 185] My memories are interrupted. Enters again the captain with Lieutenant Asyamochkinym. Asked to quickly get dressed and get ready for departure in Tiraspol. In Tiraspol, sit on the train, which was reconstructed from the freight cars and one passenger, and drove a station, it seems ArTsyz. Trains do not go beyond - way still defective. Where on foot, where passing vehicles, the evening got to Ishmael. The city is almost never seen at dusk. Commandant's Office and the Border located at the river terminal. We spent the night on the pier, and in the morning, before daybreak, we go to the ferry across the Danube. It turns out military prosecutor's office in Izmail long was delayed and moved to the city Giurgiu (Romania), also located on the banks of the Danube. Commandant advised Asyamochkinu get the train across Romania.

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