writer and playwright Eugene Mitko ( http://www.kinoart.ru/magazine/05-2005/reading/aaron0505/ ):
"I wrote many scripts about today, but I confess that I love to write about the past. The past has defended, to comprehend, clearly stood out in it the main thing.
I distinctly remember the occupation, memory is retained, as the Germans were dressed like they are in the mornings to a high luster polish boots and rubbed up straight arrows pants. As they polished boots jumped through the puddles and throwing cigarette butts on the ground. Then for the first time in my life I tried to dry sausage. Its me, boy, treated non-commissioned officer, who was in our house instilled in the day threatening Quartermaster inscribed on our door: "1 mann». The sergeant was sociable, he treated fruit drops and showed photos of their esteemed parents, wives, and Kinder. Interspersed with family photos lying photos were shot, hanged, and he was a noncommissioned officer, was standing a foot from the dead elongated legs unfortunate people in lybyas happy for him and disgusting for us to smile.
In those days, I came upon a grove on the gun, "sorokopyatki" on the panel which were scratched the names and addresses of the victims. Unlike the heroes of the script, I rewrote them. But what you take with Sloboda boy, to whom ten years was not there? ..
in the occupation of our soldiers traveled Mariupol-Romania-karutsah carts with canvas awnings. They were quick mischievous boys - Famously stole from the Germans, the people from each other, then fight, dividing stolen. Our neighbor, Grandma P. survived the occupation that grow corn, luschila cobs, ground it on a homemade mill, like a great coffee grinder, yellow, tight grain. Of flour she baked on a griddle is small - corn pie, stuffed with apricots, cherries, apples. Because fruits grow in any government. In the occupation of the boys sang: « Mihai Antonescu and fight for the small and you, Hitler, do not yawn, hominy Take ». Once on the market soldiers took the Romanians Petrovna few pieces of small and began to rummage in their pockets - they say, forgotten mark at home, now get it. To Petrovna not worry, he handed her his gun. Grandma P. waits an hour or two ... a German policeman with pewter color buckles on the chest raked old woman armed with rifles. In the occupation for the storage of weapons relied shot. In the Gestapo figured out Petrovna released. Only her whole malay with cherries gendarmes gobbled up until his grandmother questioned. "
I distinctly remember the occupation, memory is retained, as the Germans were dressed like they are in the mornings to a high luster polish boots and rubbed up straight arrows pants. As they polished boots jumped through the puddles and throwing cigarette butts on the ground. Then for the first time in my life I tried to dry sausage. Its me, boy, treated non-commissioned officer, who was in our house instilled in the day threatening Quartermaster inscribed on our door: "1 mann». The sergeant was sociable, he treated fruit drops and showed photos of their esteemed parents, wives, and Kinder. Interspersed with family photos lying photos were shot, hanged, and he was a noncommissioned officer, was standing a foot from the dead elongated legs unfortunate people in lybyas happy for him and disgusting for us to smile.
In those days, I came upon a grove on the gun, "sorokopyatki" on the panel which were scratched the names and addresses of the victims. Unlike the heroes of the script, I rewrote them. But what you take with Sloboda boy, to whom ten years was not there? ..
in the occupation of our soldiers traveled Mariupol-Romania-karutsah carts with canvas awnings. They were quick mischievous boys - Famously stole from the Germans, the people from each other, then fight, dividing stolen. Our neighbor, Grandma P. survived the occupation that grow corn, luschila cobs, ground it on a homemade mill, like a great coffee grinder, yellow, tight grain. Of flour she baked on a griddle is small - corn pie, stuffed with apricots, cherries, apples. Because fruits grow in any government. In the occupation of the boys sang: « Mihai Antonescu and fight for the small and you, Hitler, do not yawn, hominy Take ». Once on the market soldiers took the Romanians Petrovna few pieces of small and began to rummage in their pockets - they say, forgotten mark at home, now get it. To Petrovna not worry, he handed her his gun. Grandma P. waits an hour or two ... a German policeman with pewter color buckles on the chest raked old woman armed with rifles. In the occupation for the storage of weapons relied shot. In the Gestapo figured out Petrovna released. Only her whole malay with cherries gendarmes gobbled up until his grandmother questioned. "
But drafts of the memoirs of my grandfather:
" Koktebel read the book "The Flame над Севастополем" Михаила Македонского. Он был долгое время директором совхоза "Коктебель" в Щебетовке. Хорошо описал все трудности партизанской War in the Crimea. It is a song:
Mihai Antonescu and fight for the malay.
And this went high, even to bed, even die.
Antonescu was high - captured large piece.
Romania, Mihai Papush a big nose.
Antonescu gave the order for 2 days to take the Caucasus.
and Romania did not understand and for 2 days gave the Caucasus.
Dumb fat, dumb wines Song for saying good Ukraine.
Gaina Shi, Shi kukosh Stalin Uncle Nui karosh.
Antonescu gave the order to all Romanians to the Caucasus,
and Romanians Lasa, Lhasa, on karutsi Akashi, yes!
Romagna - Asta bun,
Romagna Nui breather!
So a funny satire of jargon sang the Romanian soldiers, taunting them. They only laughed at it, without much malice. "
Mihai Antonescu and fight for the malay.
And this went high, even to bed, even die.
Antonescu was high - captured large piece.
Romania, Mihai Papush a big nose.
Antonescu gave the order for 2 days to take the Caucasus.
and Romania did not understand and for 2 days gave the Caucasus.
Dumb fat, dumb wines Song for saying good Ukraine.
Gaina Shi, Shi kukosh Stalin Uncle Nui karosh.
Antonescu gave the order to all Romanians to the Caucasus,
and Romanians Lasa, Lhasa, on karutsi Akashi, yes!
Romagna - Asta bun,
Romagna Nui breather!
So a funny satire of jargon sang the Romanian soldiers, taunting them. They only laughed at it, without much malice. "
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