Friday, October 15, 2010

Scott Kay Rings Artiste

height 224.1 (Nameless)

Amateur documentary about the unveiling of the monument to the fallen soldiers of 718 SP 139 DM in the capture of the height of "Untitled" (height 224.1) in the Kaluga region in September 1943 года. Это про них известная песня на слова Матусовского " На Безымянной высоте ".

Торжество состоялось 16 октября 1966 года и на нём присутствовали 2 выживших in combat veterans - G. Lappin, and K. N. Vlasov - both are clearly visible in close-up at 5:45.

The film uses newsreel material, and he was featured on the central Soviet television on Feb. 28, 1967, and won first prize at the festival in Kyiv in 1967.
Unfortunately, the soundtrack has not been preserved, and the audio series has been imposed during the digitizing 8mm film.

Shooting this event was a personal initiative grandfather , reading the little note in the newspaper about the upcoming opening of the monument. Just boarded the train and went to the station and took Betlitsa.

* * *
was burning wood under the mountain
And with her flaming sunsets
We had only Three
Of the eighteen children

Like many of their friends good
Lay remained on the ground
from a stranger at an unnamed village
have a strange village At the height of the nameless

shone falling rocket
How dogorevshaya star
Anyone who has ever once seen it
He would never forget

He will never forget never forget
violent attacks are
from a stranger at an unnamed village
from a stranger at an unnamed village

Messers circled above us and it was evident
But if the day
only stronger, we were friends
Under cross artillery fire

And as difficult as had happened
you faithful was his dream
from a stranger on a nameless village
from a stranger at an unnamed village

I often dream about all the guys -
Friends of my military days
dug our three reel
pine burned over her

As if I re-together with them
I stood on a fiery dash
from a stranger on a nameless village
have a strange village
At Anonymous height


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