Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Write Blue Ray Disk What Burner

On some methods of work with the local population during the war in Afghanistan

Some methods of work with the local population during the war in Afghanistan, says a former Deputy Chief of General Staff of operative management USSR Armed Forces, Lieutenant General, retired Alfred Gaponenko. He was among those who devised a plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Time news N83, 15.05.2008, sec. 5
And how reaches a safe withdrawal of troops? take drastic measures to ten kilometers to the right and left from following the columns was not hostile to the Afghan factions. Destroyed them. However, for two months before the withdrawal big clashes practically ceased. The Mujahideen were interested in caring shuravi (sovetskih. - Ed.) And went to the talks. They engaged in command of the 40 th Army.
I too had to participate in negotiations with the warlords. I usually hung out a map of Afghanistan with the designation of places of concentration dushmanskih orders, pointing at her and asked: " Ahmad, you sought our care? Now we go - do not bother me. You see these two village? We know that in one you have there are three wives and 11 children. In the other - two wives and three children. You see, there are two divisions next rocket salvo fire "Grad". One shot with your hand, and villages with their wives and children be destroyed. Got it? "
But the attacks have been?
were separate attacks. The first train came on May 15 from Jalalabad three columns on the military equipment - tanks, armored personnel carriers and vehicles. The first column was held at five o'clock in the morning, the second of six hours ten minutes. third went to seven, and then gave it to automatic fire. "Grady," said rocket salvo - missiles lay near the village . soon with me on the radio contacted the commander of dushmanov, got hold of our call: "Mr. General, do not shoot! The one who fired at the convoy, he'll find. Cut off his head and bring it to you. Do not shoot! ". And reached the Soviet border with almost no combat losses. By August 15, 1988 from Afghanistan was derived more than 50 thousand people.


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